Saturday, 13 June 2020

What are Managed Forex Accounts?

Sometimes some investors are excited to invest part of their capital in the Forex market. They note that there are opportunities in certain currency pairs, but they do not have the time and patience to pay due attention to a market as changing and as volatile as that of currencies. 

It is then that these investors resort to the help of an experienced trader to manage their investments in the currency market. For this, managed Forex accounts are created. Opinions are divided on this mechanism and some consider it the open door to investor fraud.

What are managed Forex accounts?

Managed Forex accounts are an option for all investors who want to put part of their capital in this market, but do not have the time and knowledge necessary to manage such investments.

These investors usually turn to a recognized trader or friend "who is dedicated to the currency business" and for a commission, an account is opened in a broker - generally in which the contracted trader operates - and, having previously signed an agreement of limits and restrictions the account managed in Forex is born.

How does a managed Forex account work?

When a trader is hired to manage an investor's Forex account, the Metatrader platform that has the multiterminal option is usually used , through which the trader can manage multiple accounts and when he opens a trade in one account, it usually replicates in the others.

Although the trader you want to hire is highly trusted by the investor, it is advisable, before opening the accounts managed in Forex, to request a history of their operations and the results obtained. In addition, when opening the account, it is important to sign a limited power through which the trader can buy and sell foreign currency, but will not have access to the investor's capital.

Some agreements are made with the payment of a commission to the trader, who pays the broker, on the movements made. This is usually not recommended since the trader will get a commission for the movements and not for the results. That is why many agreements are signed with a commission clause for the trader, according to the results obtained.

Managed Forex accounts can also be an excellent opportunity for traders to earn additional income to what they can achieve with their trade. In our Trading School you can train yourself with all the necessary tools to be a successful trader.

Forex: what is a MAM account?

Investing in Forex using a managed account is generally a good idea to improve your return and diversify your investments. If you are new to the currency market, accounts managed by Forex brokers also help secure your transactions. Operators offer several types of accounts, including the MAM account. Let's see what it covers.

How a MAM account works

A MAM account, for Multi-Account Manager, allows a Forex broker to manage several investor funds. The latter carries out his trades on the basis of his own funds and those allocated by his clients, and distributes the profits according to the conditions fixed between the two parties. The account manager can set the quantity of negotiated lots for each client.

This fixed allocation method can also be carried out within the framework of a LAMM account, for Lot Allocation Management Module. The MAM account also allows the professional trader to adjust the leverage of each of the sub-accounts, according to the risks that investors wish to take.

In practice, the opening of a MAM account is carried out by a broker or account manager. He sets up an offer in which he displays the conditions for potential customers. Investors, when they choose their broker, then invest in the MAM account. The broker performs operations on the foreign exchange market using the capital of the common account, then distributes the gains and losses according to the share of each investor in the account.

The advantages of the MAM Forex account

If you want to start on the Forex market but you do not have the time to develop skills and analyze the market, the MAM account is a good option for investing. You can withdraw your capital whenever you want, and your earning potential is unlimited if you have chosen an excellent broker. 

To get the most out of this type of investment management, it is indeed necessary to refer you to a reliable operator and offering attractive trading conditions. By integrating a MAM Forex account, you also gain access to various tools, such as the creation of personalized and detailed reports.

If you are an experienced trader, managing a MAM account simplifies your work. This allows you to trade comfortably, by relying on many investment accounts. You can duplicate transactions and save a lot of time. Finally, you benefit from flexible allocation systems and receive commissions instantly.

The differences between MAM accounts and PAMM accounts

Both solutions allow you to manage several sub-accounts from a main account, without having to create a dedicated fund. Losses or profits are distributed among the different accounts, in proportion to the investments made.

If the operating mode is quite similar, the MAM account is characterized by greater flexibility. The allocation methods are more flexible. In addition, the account manager can adjust the risk of each client account according to the investor's profile.

You are now able to choose the type of managed Forex account that suits you, and negotiate the best conditions with the MAM account manager. To be accompanied by the best traders, do not hesitate to browse the web to consult the performance and the course of Forex brokers.

Professional Management of Trading Accounts

Information on the accounts managed by their team of professional operators. Their investment experience with a personalised, confidential and discreet service allows them to offer all types of investors a world of alternatives through the use of managed accounts. You will be able to access a professional forex account management service, commodities like gold and silver, and a variety of financial assets.

Managed Accounts

The managed accounts they administer follow a single objective, that is, to maximise profitability and increase profits.

Brokers get earnings from every transaction you make in the market. Whether you buy or sell a financial asset like currency or commodity, brokers will always make money by the margin they set. This means that for a broker it does not matter whether you win or lose money in a transaction, because regardless of the outcome of a financial transaction, the broker will always generate income by the differential established between the purchase price and sale.

They, on the other hand, are not a broker, they do not receive your money, they do not produce leverage on your capital and they do not earn money by the margin or the fixed differential.

They just want you to manage the winnings. Their main objective is to generate a gain, maximise the return on the administered capital and produce constant results, by benefiting the investors who entrusted the operations to them.

They are working on a results basis. So if you make money, they make money.

Their investment experience with personalised, confidential and discreet service allows them to offer all types of investors a variety of alternatives for investing in the market.

For this, the use of their managed account service at a cost of 30% of the profits generated.

How does the managed account service work?

Operated or managed accounts are trading accounts administered by their team of professionals. You only need to open an account with a broker and deposit funds that they will manage to maximise results.

Their team of professionals places orders to buy or sell assets. This implies that the work of analysing the market, defining the strategy, and opening and closing the positions are at their expense.

In this way, you benefit from the knowledge and experience of their team, which only aims to produce consistent results.

If you do not have or have had the knowledge to operate in the market, but you do not have enough time or if you have the time and the knowledge to diversify your investment portfolio, take advantage of their potential to produce concrete results.

By granting them a power, you allow them to manage your account. They cannot withdraw money from your account and they do not have access to your funds. You are the holder of the account and it is they who manage the placing of orders on the market. Whenever you wish, you can revoke or cancel the proxy and you can withdraw money from your account at any time.

They are working on a results basis. If you make money, they make money too.

Their team of professionals will manage your portfolio and you will benefit from the excellence of their services.

Using their managed account service costs 30% of the profits generated.

You have access to your money

After opening your account, you can add or withdraw funds at any time.

Historical results

Their team of operators has gained an average annual yield of 20%. They operate with the major currency pairs, also with products like gold, silver, oil, as well as stocks and stock indices.

Their managed accounts service is aimed at investors with a medium and long term investment horizon and with a high tolerance for risk. The recommended period is 6 months.

However, previous experiences or results do not guarantee future results, the Forex market is very volatile and high risk; for this, you can lose part or all of your investment. Their strategy does not guarantee any profit. They must not invest the capital that they cannot lose.

What are managed Forex accounts?

The so-called “ managed Forex accounts ” are administered by professional forex traders, who perform trading operations for their clients for a fee (usually in the form of a salary or a percentage of profits). Obviously, the access authorizations granted to the manager are limited to trading operations only. It can in no case credit or debit the customer's account. 

It should be noted that it is not enough to be a forex trader to become a Forex account manager. It takes a lot of experience. This is acquired through the practice of a good management strategy, not only of capital, but also of risk. for more info.

Before you trust anyone, make sure the actual results are up to those advertised. Many so-called managers boast of exceptional results, which are in reality the result of high-risk management, or falsified for the sole purpose of enticing inexperienced clients. 

What is more, excellent as they are, past results are past results. There is no guarantee that futures will be as good. This is the harsh reality of Forex. Also, think carefully before placing your hard earned money in unscrupulous hands. 

Beware of banner ads that are a little too flashy! There are many reasons why an investor should opt for a managed account: lack of time or experience, too emotional, etc. The managed Forex account appears, in a way, as the easy solution. But, sooner or later, it is still advisable to become familiar with Forex. Why? 

Because at the end of the day, the only person you can trust is you! So take the time to acquire solid training, develop your own strategy, try it, adjust it until you get the expected results, and above all, work on the discipline. This is essential, in a market as volatile as Forex. Nothing better than opening a Forex demo account for this . 

It's free and you don't risk losing your money. Most forex broker such as Ava FX for example, they offer you the possibility of opening a demo account. Take advantage of it until you don't feel confident to start trading real money.


Forex managed accounts: what is it?

The currency market can be an attractive option for investing, provided you have sufficient knowledge. Otherwise, managed accounts can be a solution.

Invest in Forex and managed accounts

There are different ways to invest money: place it on life insurance, make a real estate purchase, take stock on the stock market or invest in Forex, this large currency market. The latter option requires minimal knowledge of the sector and the strategies to be adopted. 

When you lack experience, the managed account can be an attractive solution. Concretely, it involves opening an account with a broker and entrusting its management to a team of professional traders. The money will be managed by a trader or by a robot.

The advantages of a managed account

The main advantage is the saving of time: it is possible to invest without knowledge of the currency market, since a professional takes care of placing orders. Profits of 15 to 20% on average can be achieved. An account of this type allows you to diversify your investments.

The disadvantages of a managed account

A minimum investment of around € 10,000 is generally required to sign up for a managed account. It is therefore not open to everyone. In addition, significant commissions are levied on profits: between 10 and 40%. Finally, you should be extremely careful when choosing your broker. Some sites offer profits of more than 50%, even 100%. They are to flee! The subscriber of the account must have the possibility of accessing his account 24 hours a day to verify its management.

Monday, 30 May 2016

New Forex Managed Account Info

New to the UK, this managed fx fund is fully regulated by the FCA. Over the last couple of years, it has been generating about 7% on average per month. To find out more about this alternative invetment, please head on over to 

Tuesday, 4 September 2012

Managed FX Trading Accounts

A currency trading managed fund is an alternative investment to the more traditional investment vehicles such as savings accounts, insurance, bonds, mutual funds etc. Over the last handful of years, they have become more and more well-liked among investors that are in search of higher earnings than those conventional investments. This is due to a combination of reasons. Anybody that has an interest in investing their money will realize that the foreign exchange market can produce fortune in a brief expanse of time, it can also bleed accounts dry in a trice. That’s where a managed forex trading account is beneficial. It uses all of the understanding and intelligence of expert agents to carry out all of the graft for the customer.

It isn't necessary for anyone to study all of the charts, patterns, signals etc and sit in front of the computer all day when an agent can do it all on your behalf. It is the reality that it is a hands-off investment that draws so many clients to it. It leaves them free to go after things in life that are really important, like spending time with loved ones.

A further advantage with a managed forex account is the liquidity. If the saver has a trade open, they could liquidate the trade, make a demand for withdrawal for their money and get those reserves into an account of their choice in a a couple of days. You don’t have that flexibility with an investment house.

Another explanation that they are so well-known these days is that not too long ago, only customers that had $1,000,000 dollars or more could put some money into them. It’s different today however as anybody can open up an fund with as little as $10,000 dollars, so it has become available to virtually everyone with some funds to save.

The point of investing money, however, is to make your money work for you. A foreign exchange managed fund can produce significant returns. The traders’ main interest is to preserve the customer's capital so the savers has to ponder their resistance to risk when choosing an account. There are numerous trading variations and some have larger shortfalls than others but they could produce bigger ROI. Discover more about managed forex accounts visit here.

The client has full charge of their own account and the trader can only get into it so that they can generate the trades. The investor bestows an LPOA (Limited Power Of Attorney) to the dealer for him to place the trades. Accounts can be added to and capital withdrawn at any time, and the account could be shut also.

A currency trading managed high return investment is a great way to get into the currency exchange market without the need to learn all about it. Conversely, it is a great avenue to get started with the currency exchange market as you could find out at your own tempo at the same time as producing a good revenue.